Tuesday, August 16, 2011
When a soldier goes off to war, he or she leaves family behind. But sometimes, that family includes a pet that needs someone to look out for it until the solider comes home.
Terri Sabens is with Soldiers' Angels, an organization that assists members of the military with a number of things, including pet care. She is currently fostering dogs for soldiers who are overseas.
Sabens says people can apply to be foster parents to animals or help with pet care. She says foster parents are chosen by the military members, who interview volunteers and then decide who they want leave their pets with.
Sabens also says the Vermont group also assists veterans, as well as active members of the military, with caring for their pets.
If you would like to contact the Vermont Soldiers' Angels, you can email Terri Sabens at vtsoldiersangels@yahoo.com.