How To Make An Outdoor Cat An Indoor Cat
Today’s feature tip is from the San Diego Natural History Museum with their tip How to Make Your Outdoor Cat
a Happy Indoor Cat
Although it takes patience, an outdoor cat can be turned into a perfectly content indoor pet. The key is to make the conversion gradually and provide lots of attention and stimulation while the cat is indoors.
Cats are creatures of habit, so you must be careful to slowly replace your cat’s old routine of going outside with the new exciting routine of staying in. If your cat is outdoors most of the time, bring your cat inside for increasingly longer stays. Gradually shorten the length of time the cat is outside until you no longer let him or her out at all.
With cat leash laws becoming more common, this tip comes in handy. Although my cat is a bit different, she’s happy to stay inside for months during the winter, but at the first sign of Spring (and yes they know even though they’re indoors), her nose is at the back door to get out.