You don’t have to depend on toxic pesticides to get a handle on your pets' mobile flea population!
Some of the best natural flea deterrents can be found in your kitchen or herb garden . . .
If your dog or cat is suffering from fleas, make a "tea" of lemon peel and water, and let it steep overnight. Citrus naturally repels fleas—if you sponge the tea on your flea-infested pet, the fleas will die instantly.
Rub your pet all over with tansy, fennel, basil or mint, pennyroyal, or another strong smelling herb. You can also grow these herbs, as well as wormwood, rue, pyrethrum, or marigolds around kennel areas or parts of the yard where your pet likes to play or bask in the sun.
Add salt to the water that you bathe your pet in to kill fleas.
Add brewer’s yeast to your pets’ food—animals that eat brewer’s yeast are distasteful to fleas. This natural "additive" will give them a shiny coat to boot!
To keep fleas at bay in your home, sprinkle 20 Mule Team Borax on carpets, sofas, and under furniture and cushions. Be sure to first test the product on a small, unobtrusive area to make sure it is safe to use on your fabric.